Sure, you can filter tracking links by Tags, or even by means of multiple Tags.
In other words, you can use multiple keywords corresponding to Tags when you search for links and want to filter them within a specific project. However, when using multiple keywords (Tags) within your search query, it’s important to note that:
- when a project contains less than 10.000 tracking links, any search query with two keywords can be performed by using both, an “And:” or an “Or:” operator. This means, for instance, that:
- a search query (by Tags) like “Or: Bob Lucy” (with a space between the two keywords) will return all links which contain the keyword “Bob” OR the keyword “Lucy” within its Tags;
- a search query (by Tags) like “And: Bob Lucy” (with a space between the two keywords) will return all links which contain the keyword “Bob” AND the keyword “Lucy” within its Tags;
- a search query (by Tags) like “Or: Bob Lucy” (with a space between the two keywords) will return all links which contain the keyword “Bob” OR the keyword “Lucy” within its Tags;
- when a project contains a number of tracking links which is equal to or greater than 10.000, any search query with two keywords will always be executed by using an “And:” operator. This means, for instance, that a search query (by Tags) like “Bob Lucy” (with a space between the two keywords) will return all links which contain the keyword “Bob” AND the keyword “Lucy” within its Tags. Therefore the search query “Bob Lucy” is equivalent, in this case, to the query search “And: Bob Lucy”. Please note again that, in this case, the logical operator “And:” is not needed, and must NOT be used, since the space between the two keywords is automatically interpreted as an And: operator (provided the project contains a number of links which is equal or greater than 10k);
- furthermore, please note that in case 2. (a project with a number of links equal or greater than 10k), a query search (by Tags) like “Bob Lucy” will search for Tags which perfectly match your search criteria, therefore a tracking link will be filtered only of its Tags are identical to your search keywords, namely “Bob” AND “Lucy”. Thus, if for instance a tracking link has “Bob” + “Lucy” + “Sheila” as Tags, the tracking link will NOT be filtered by your search criteria and therefore will not show up within the search results. In other words, generally speaking, once the number of tracking links within a project equals or is greater than 10.000, all searches are performed with an exact correspondence.
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