If you own, manage or promote one or more mobile Apps, you definitely can't deal without deep linking.
JotUrl supports Easy deep linking (no coding no pain) and Custom URI schemes but, if you want to deep link like a pro, you will also need Android App Links and iOS Universal links.
JotUrl simplifies the process to enable Android App Links and iOS Universal Links and allows you to deep link also when the user doesn't have your app installed.
Ready to become a Hero in the subject?
Deep Links Setup
First of all, you will need to enable Android App Links and iOS Universal Links on the JotUrl dashboard:
- Navigate to Deep Links Settings within the JotUrl Dashboard.
- Click on New configuration in the upper-right corner.
- Enter the name of the configuration (for instance deep link configuration).
- Enter the Android json configuration file assetlinks.json (you can find details here).
- Enter the iOS json configuration file apple-app-site-association (you can find details here).
- Click on Save.
Domain Setup
Next, you've to associate the Deep Links configuration to your domain on the JotUrl dashboard:
- Navigate to Domains Settings in the JotUrl Dashboard.
- Click on the edit icon of the domain (e.g., example.com) you want to configure. If you don't have a custom domain please follow our guide to setup one.
- Select the name of the configuration (e.g., deep link configuration) within the "You can associate a deep link configuration for your domain" field.
- Click on Save.
- Note: Deep links require an SSL certificate for your custom domain. If you haven't already installed one, follow this tutorial.
Now you're ready to setup your Android and iOS Apps. Find out how below!
Setup for your Android app
Add Intent Filter to Manifest
- Go to the Domains Settings page on the dashboard.
- Copy your domain name (e.g., example.com).
- Choose the
you want to open up when a link is clicked. This is typically yourSplashActivity
or aBaseActivity
that all other activities inherit from. - Inside your
, locate where the selectedActivity
is defined. - Within the
definition, insert the intent filter provided below (make sure to replace example.com with your real custom domain). Be sure to add this as its own separate intent filter:<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:scheme="http" android:host="example.com" />
<data android:scheme="https" /> </intent-filter> - The system must be able to verify every host specified in the app's URL intent filters against the assetlinks.json files hosted on all the respective web domains (Verify Site Associations). If any verification fails, the app will be not verified as a default handler for any of the URL patterns defined in the app's intent filters - in this case (i.e., the app is not verified as the default handler) Android will ask users to choose which app to open when they tap your App Link. You can use Google's Statement List Asset Generator to test your existing statement file.
App Links on Android
Unfortunately, App Links don't work in all circumstances. Here are some common rules:
- App Links may not work if you paste the link into the browser URL field.
- App Links may not open the app when they are "wrapped" by tracking links.
- Apps with built-in webviews (Google, Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, etc.) may work with App Links only when a webview is already open. In other words, App Links could not work in-app from the feed or main app views.
Setup for your iOS app
Enable Associated Domains in Xcode
If you see an error after this step
Please ensure...
- that the right team is selected for your Xcode project.
- that the Bundle Identifier of your Xcode project matches the one used to register the App Identifier with Apple.
Add your JotUrl custom domain
- Go to the Domains Settings page on the dashboard.
- Copy your domain name (e.g., example.com).
- In the
section, click the+
icon and add the following entry (make sure to replace example.com with your real custom domain):applinks:example.com
Common issues that cause Universal Links to fail
Are you testing by manually entering into Safari?
Universal Links don't work when entered into Safari. If you copy & paste a deep link into the browser address bar it will not work. Use instead Notes or iMessage for testing.
Are you wrapping deep links with another link and redirecting?
In most cases, Universal Links won't open the app when they are "wrapped" by tracking links.
Have you deleted the app and reinstalled it?
iOS does not re-scrape the apple-app-site-association file unless you delete and reinstall the app. The only exception to this is App Store updates. iOS does re-scrape on every update. This means that when users update to a version of your app with Universal Links enabled, Universal Links will start working for them.
Universal Links can be disabled, unfortunately.
If you are successfully taken into your app via a Universal Link, you'll see your domain and a forward button in the top right corner of the status bar. If you click that button, Apple will no longer activate Universal Links in the future. To re-enable Universal Links, long press on the link in Messages or Notes and choose 'Open in <>'.
Using a custom domain?
Make sure it's configured correctly and its SSL certificate set up properly.
Deferred Deep Linking
A Deferred Deep Link is a deep link that opens to a specific location within the app, after a user first installs and opens the app on her/his device, or when the app is installed and you have configured the Android App Links/iOS Universal Links.
- For current users, i.e., who already have the app installed, a deferred deep link acts just like a deep link by directly opening to a specific location within the app.
- For new users, a deferred deep link is persisted until after they install the app. Then on first app open, the user is sent to the same specific location within the app.
Both for current and new users, you can use our App Deep Link option to retrieve information about the tracking link that led the user to your app:
- Enable the App Deep Link option for your tracking link (e.g.,
): - configure its parameters:
- to retrieve parameters, call your tracking link by adding the extension
to the alias of the tracking link (e.g.,example.com/alias.dlprms
, please make sure NOT to append the extension to the parameters, since this will prevent the deferred deep linking from working properly). Our engine will return a JSON similar to this:[
{"key": "param1", "value": "value1"},
{"key": "param2", "value": "value2"}
Attribution of the installation of your app to a tracking link
At the first run after installation, you may need to identify the tracking link that led to the installation of your app. In this case, you can use our attribution endpoint.
On Android, we suggest to use the Google Play Store's Install Referrer API to securely retrieve the tracking link that led the installation of your app. However, you can still call our attribution endpoint (see the iOS section for details).
On iOS, there is no API that allows you to retrieve the referrer (i.e., the tracking link); however, you can call our attribution endpoint (example.com/.well-known/dla
or example.com/.dla
) that will return (if possible) the tracking link (along with its parameters) that most probably has led the installation of your app. For a successful attribution the endpoint will return a JSON similar to the following:
"tl": "[complete tracking link, for example https://example.com/alias]",
"params": [
{"key": "[parameter name 1]", "value": "[parameter value 1]"},
{"key": "[parameter name N]", "value": "[parameter value N]"},
If the attribution fails, it will return the empty JSON {}
. Attribution can be improved if the attribution endpoint is called with the same user agent as the device's default browser.
Deferred Deep Links flows
The following flows only apply to tracking links with the App Deep Link option enabled and properly configured.
Securing calls
Calls to the attribution endpoint (example.com/.well-known/dla
) and the parameters endpoint (e.g., example.com/alias.dlprms
) have to be secured. To do this you have to append the parameter __sec__ to all requests:
is obtained by using the HMAC_SHA256 hash function:
is your public API key (API Keys) and {GMT_DATETIME} is the the GMT date/time in the format YYYYMMddhh
- YYYY is the full numeric representation of the current year (4 digits)
- MM is the current month with leading zeros (01-12)
- dd is the current day with leading zeros (01-31)
- hh is the current hour with leading zeros (00-23)
Please note that {GMT_DATETIME}
must be generated on a device as synchronized as possible with the GMT date/time (each request requires a new {GMT_DATETIME}
{PUBLIC_KEY} = "6b1bb9009b5a5333"
{GMT_DATETIME} = "2019041610"
__pk__ = "6b1bb9009b5a5333"
= HMAC_SHA256("6b1bb9009b5a5333", "2019041612") =
= "80478e4dd1d2af80b11c732577a10568bab78471560ae385daf7173ddfc52527"
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